Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I found Blankets to be a very different comic book then what I was expecting.. I went into it thinking that it would be a simple, cute love story about a guy and a girl- boy, was I wrong. The first thing I thought was wild was that the main character is the creator as a young boy. So, this is the story of his adolescence. I also found his struggles in his love life and his religious views to be intriguing. There were some parts of the comic that I found some what disturbing and was shocked to see- but I guess its a good thing because it causes me to keep on reading. I found the break up in the end to be inevitable and quite sad. From an art stand point I found the style to be very simplistic and pleasing for the eyes. It's art like this that inspires me to one day make a comic of my own! The drawings are iconic enough that in some cases in the story I could put myself in the characters place and really relate to him/her. The set up of the comic was another reason I found this to be a great read- it was never hard for me to follow, but it almost had some of its own unique ways of telling the story with crazy looking panels. All in all, even though I found some of it shocking, I did come to realize that this is really an awesome comic book.

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