Friday, October 28, 2011

Astro Boy

   Now, I want to first start this post off by saying that I'm definitely not a huge fan of Manga.. and Anime in general. I never got into it when I was younger, and as I got older I never found it very appealing. I don't understand the need to emphasis the emotions in such an exaggerated form, and why most of the Manga comics out there seem to be so far fetched. This is all my opinion of course- I know plenty of people who love Manga and I respect that! I just never got into it and probably never will. So with that said when this week rolled up and we had to go out and find a Manga to read I had a very hard time choosing. I ended up deciding to go with Astro Boy.
I felt that Astro Boy had more of a generic simplistic plot- the boy is a robot, lets watch him fight bad guys. Simple right? Well, as I dived into it the plot became more interesting-- if not disturbing. A father who is also a scientist looses his boy to a car accident and decided to recreate a robot of him to fill the void. Sounds a lot like the movie AI to me.. but I digress. The father soon finds out that his new robot son cannot fill the void of his lost son and rejects him. Astro boy ends up in a circus for some time before he is found by a man who is the head of the ministry of science.. from there on out Astro Boy fights crime and saves the day! Not super involved, but I will admit that I didn't put the comic down- I finished it. I didn't feel like this was the best comic I ever read.. but it defiantly wasn't the worst. I guess I'm just not cut out for Manga.. or at least not right now.

I will point out however-- that I have watched Wolf's Rain and found that anime very enjoyable! So don't take me as a hater, please. 

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