Sunday, November 27, 2011

Web Comics

I had a lot of fun this week exploring all the different web comics out there. There are so many different kinds, it becomes hard to choose which one to sit down and spend the time to read the whole thing. The web comics I decided on were, The Perry Bible Fellowship and Tiny Kitten Teeth. 

The Perry Bible Fellowship was hilarious! I really enjoyed how each comic strip was short and got to the punch line quickly. The humor it had was right up my ally, it was witty and didn't require a whole lot of deep thought. It became rather addictive going through the list of them- I didn't know when to stop so I just read them all! Each one had a unique quality to them, for example- "Woovles" was so ironic and was great showing the classic saying 'a wolf in sheep's clothing' from a different perspective. Some were just down right funny like "Rainbow" - what if all rainbow were just giant monster's eyes? It just put a whole new look on things that I don't really give much thought about.
Tiny Kitten Teeth- I chose this web comic because of how beautiful the art was! The colors and style was absolutely gorgeous! The story itself was confusing to me.. the main cat I could relate to greatly because he was just as confused as I was. It was also interesting how some panels just cut to one big panel of something completely random going on. For example, the panel of the two kittens and it says 'how did you get up there?' I didn't think this really had anything to do with the comics main story. Regardless, the art of this comic is what kept me drawn in. Im still in the middle of reading this one, so hopefully it will begin to make sense soon.


I have heard so much about this comic, but I never had the time to actually pick it up and read it. Now that I had to read this one I'm so glad that I did! Watchmen was so fantastic, the plot was so deep and kept me interested the whole time. I love that the story is in an alternate reality of our world, but set at an earlier time- the 1980s perhaps? The idea of outlawing superheros made for a great plot. It reminded me of The Incredibles in that aspect, which I thought was humorous. I loved Rorschach, I found his character to be so interesting and I was always excited to see what he would do next. Rorschach's character design was also my favorite- I love his trench coat and masked face that changes with heat! It was so simple yet, I loved it. Doctor Manhattan was also a very cool character in my opinion, I felt bad for him when he was accused of giving his friends cancer. When he left Earth I knew problems were going to arise! The death of The Comedian was a cool plot line and I loved how it ended up involving why Doctor Manhattan was exiled. The ending was well executed and I felt that it led up to something spectacular. I was heartbroken when they killed off Rorschach! I also liked how the left it open to the line that Doctor Manhattan said "Nothing ever ends." So it seems that Veidt was stopped in the end- hopefully. All in all, I really really enjoyed this comic- it was probably one of my top favorites! 

My New York Diary

I don't really have much to say about this one. I picked it up thinking that it could possibly be a good read, but I didn't really like it as much as I thought I would. I found that visually the panels were hard to process- there was way to much going on in each one and I had a hard time finding the focal point. The words even got lost in some of them. As for the story, it didn't really appeal to me very much. It was very dark and had way to much depressing points, in my opinion. Like when Doucet gives love a second chance- her new boyfriend turns out to be psycho and she had to try and get rid of him. Or when the boyfriend before this one tried to commit suicide. It was just way to intense for me. I like comics that aren't so gritty and upsetting, I read comics to be happy- not to remind myself of all the pain going on in the world.

Asterios Polyp

This week I read Asterios Polyp- as soon as I looked this book up and saw the front cover I was captivated! Just the design and set up of this comic is fascinating and so graphically appealing. The color choices and bright and draw my eyes around the page. The way that on some pages they would play with the shapes of people and different designs was very unique- like when Hana attended her first facility party, each person was designed a different way! Just by doing that it made the panel a hundred percent more interesting. The story itself is also intriguing, the beginning was very sad to me- having to read about this poor guy who lost his living quarters and leaves to find his way in the world. I did however enjoy how it would switch back to past events in his life. Like how he dealt with his brother and how his marriage wasn't the greatest. By doing this I got more attached to Asterios Polyp and I began to understand him better. When he questions his flaws, I felt it was just human nature in some cases.